Dia R (21 de Abril)

No dia 21 de abril, quinta-feira, decorreu, na  Quinta de Fora, o Dia R.

Este evento, organizado pelos Cursos de Restauração nas variantes de Restaurante/ Bar e Cozinha / Pastelaria, pretende dar a conhecer as novas tendências da Restauração e divulgar algum do trabalho realizado pelos alunos dos dois cursos.


Neurolinguística no Mundo do Trabalho (Edgar Moreira)

Puratos (Luís Fernandes)

Alimentação em Atletas de Alta Competição (Chef José Vinagre)

Degustação de Cerveja (PAP 3ºR)

Almoço (PAP 3ºR)

O Mundo do Gin

Sobras Requintadas (Cristina Ferreira)

Gin (PAP 3ºR)

Wintouch (Zélia Talina)

“Portugal está a transformar-se num destino gastronómico”

“Portugal está a transformar-se num destino gastronómico”: Elena Arzak já foi eleita a Melhor Mulher Chef do Mundo e esteve agora no Peixe em Lisboa. A chef basca não poupa elogios ao trabalho dos chefs portugueses.

Class Project 3rd R

Foot lunch

As a class project the twelve four Restaurant Bar Service decided to organized a tournament between all the third year classes. As a final outcome there would be a Foot lunch for the first and second places as well for the organizing class.

It was the first game of the tournament between 3rdR vs 3rdE. The final score was 3-2 for 3rd R.

This game between 3rdC and 3rdA finish 0-5. The winning team was the 3rdA. 

Game 3rdE vs 3rdD. In this game 3rdE took forward for a significant score of 5-1.
In the semi finals the teams 3rdR vs 3rdC and 3rdA vs 3rdE face each other and final outcome was the victory of 3rdC and 3rdA, chosen to face each other in the finals.

The final game took place on the eleventh of April 2016 between 3rdC vs 3rdA.

The winning team was 3rdA who won for 2-1 the game.

On the thirteen of April 2016 was the lunch for the first, second place and the organizers.

After lunch the medals were delivered to the winners, 3rdA. 

The winning team, 3rdA.

And in the end, there was the first, second place and the class that organized the Foot Lunch, mission accomplished with everybody as a team! 

Morfeu Marginal

Morfeu Marginal: Cozinha de base tradicional e paladares caseiros que casam com um ambiente moderno e acolhedor. Com convidativa esplanada, o Morfeu Marginal, no Porto, pode contribuir para dias mais felizes e aprazíveis.